I temp at a digital music distribution company, The State 51 Conspiracy. We get bought lunch every day which was a real seller for me. At about 1pm I go to fetch the lunch, we tend to choose from the Thai van in the Truman Brewery (in front of the route master bus), Taz Firin a turkish restaurant on Bethnal Green Road, Harem another turkish on Brick Lane, Square Pie or when feeling healthy a soup from Franze & Evans an Italian deli on Redchurch Street although they NEVER give enough bread with their soup! We all eat around a big wooden table and although I only tend to understand 4% of the chats that the computer boys have occasionally my ears prick up as the chat turns to food. One day the chat turned to baking bread and I mentioned how I was wanting to make my own leaven. My boss Paul said he had a great book on baking by Dan Lepard and that I should get it. I said it was my Birthday coming up so I would ask for it. Anyway a few days later I came into work and the book was on my desk. Paul had got it for me for my Birthday!! Thank you Paul.